Sometimes, despite our best efforts to recover the debt at pre-legal stage, legal action is unavoidable if you want to get the debt paid.
We only recommend litigation if we believe that there is a realistic chance of the debt, fees, costs and any interest being paid by the debtor.
This process involves first sending a Letter Before Action (LBA) to the debtor, which gives them 7 days to respond before proceedings are issued. Often receiving the LBA is enough to encourage the debtor to pay the debt before the matter becomes more serious.
If the debtor does not respond (or does not respond favourably), we can then instruct our solicitors to prepare the papers to issue proceedings. In these circumstances, there are up-front court fees and solicitors costs to be paid. In virtually all cases these are added to the debt and they are recoverable from your customer.
We have engaged a panel of solicitors in each of the three jurisdictions in the UK - England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. We are also able to instruct a partner firm in the Republic of Ireland. While the process and protocols are not identical between these different jurisdictions the basic principles are the same and we are able to manage the process for you.
Any action we take which will incur fees and/or costs will be discussed with you in advance and we will not proceed without your explicit authority.
Please contact us for more information on our Legal service.