How to Pay
Pay Online
If you don’t want to speak to us directly and are happy to pay online please click the "PayPal" button below. We take all major credit and debit cards. You do not need a PayPal account to pay us using this service.You can pay from as little as £1.00 up to a maximum of £1,000.
By Bank Transfer or Online Banking
You can transfer funds directly into our Client Account. Please ensure you quote our reference number as the reference for the transfer. If you do not do this, we may not be able to allocate your payment to your account.
Bank: NatWest
Account Name: Hains & Lund Recoveries Limited
Sort Code: 56-00-54
Account Number: 33866767
By Cheque or Postal Order
You can send a cheque or postal order made payable to "Hains & Lund Recoveries Limited" to the address below. Please ensure you write your name, telephone number and our reference number on the back of the cheque or postal order. If you do not do this, we may not be able to allocate your payment to your account.
Hains & Lund Recoveries Limited
148 Rose Bowl
Portland Crescent