Pay Online
If you don't want to speak to us directly and are happy to pay online with PayPal, please use the online payment form on this page. You can pay from as little as £1.00 up to a maximum of £1,000.
You may be required to create a PayPal account to make an online payment. When you are transferred to PayPal you should be presented with the Guest Checkout where you can either login or pay with a debit/credit card. We will not add any fees or other charges to the payment amount that you specify.
When paying please quote the reference number on our correspondence to ensure your payment is assigned correctly to your account.
For payments of any amount, you can transfer funds directly into our Client Account. Please ensure you quote our reference number as the reference for the transfer. If you do not do this, we may not be able to allocate your payment to your account.
Bank: NatWest
Account Name: Hains & Lund Recoveries Limited
Sort Code: 56-00-54
Account Number: 33866767